We've expanded the definition of "real estate agent," by adding revolutionary services making your real estate journey easier and your dream house dreamier. We're here to help you with the process of buying, selling or leasing a property. We're here to help you make the big move. We're also here to help you turn a fixer upper into your dream home. Working with the best in the business is the only choice in real estate today. One group that can take care of all of your real estate needs.




Karen Morgan and her joining team The MacPherson Westhoff Group are more than just real estate agents– Each Real Estate Agent has a specialty including: a General Contractor, a reputable Professional Photographer, experienced Stagers, a Suburban Residential Expert, a Chicago Residential Expert, Suburban and Chicago Leasing Specialists. It is a "one stop shop" for today’s busy buyers, sellers and investors.



Eats and Drinks

Best Coffee, Framers Markets and Top Chefs

Chicago has long been known for its great restaurants, wide variety of cuisines and local favorites. I will give you a suggestions list of all the places you should explore near and around your new home sweet home.

Chicago Parks

Parks and Schools

Activities All Year Long

Chicago Public Schools is the third largest school district in the United States and has the largest park district in the United States. Information on park events, histories, activities, as well as local trivia.


Pet Friendly Suggestions

Pets Stores, Training, Walkers, Adoption, Dog Parks

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Art and Culture

Galleries and Unique Findings

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